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New Book Release
Music Theory for Kids 

Fun, colorful, handwritten book with lessons and activities designed for young music theory students​

Full-color PDF Available for Download - FREE

New Lecture Series Launch
Professionally Releasing Music in the Global Music Market​

3-part lecture series answering your questions about getting your music to listeners around the world (and how to make money doing it) 

In this Lecture Series:

Introduction & Overview

Part 1: The Music

Part 2: The Business

Part 3: The Release & After

Follow along the presentation and access the links to supplemental resources in the PDF

Recording Workshop Curriculum

Aleyna designed and taught two recording workshops at the UNT College of Music in Summer 2022. In these hands-on workshops, students explored the fundamentals of sound science, digital audio, gear and signal flow, recording, mixing, and mastering for music and media, and more. Check out a preview of the workshop curriculum:

Music Production and Technology Teaching

Aleyna Brown has taught collegiate audio engineering courses at the University of North Texas College of Music, and currently serves as Adjunct​ Professor of Music Industry Studies at the University of Texas - Arlington where she teaches courses in Digital Music Technologies. Aleyna seeks to provide accessible, relevant, and fun audio engineering education and resources for students, professionals, and amateurs everywhere. Aleyna's perspective from both academia and industry experience, and particularly as a woman in audio engineering, is one that she is excited to share in a new upcoming podcast called Audio with Aleyna.

Applied Lessons & Music Theory Teaching

Aleyna Brown has pedagogical training and experience teaching woodwind lessons and Music Theory, both in the applied lesson and classroom settings.  


When teaching her private lessons students, Aleyna brings her own woodwind expertise by providing technique examples and playing alongside her students to give them extra confidence. She is a dynamic teacher who keeps the atmosphere light and humorous while also challenging her students to progress to the next level of playing. Aleyna also brings her composition expertise to her students by composing original technique exercises and etudes unique to each student's specific technical challenge. By taking a technical challenge and making it fun and person to the student, her students are more eager to practice and thus excel at a faster rate, with a more positive attitude. 


Aleyna has experience teaching Music Theory and individual lessons to elementary through high school students at two of Tallahassee's top arts schools, Timberlane Arts and Dance Academy and Mason's Music.

While teaching Music Theory to her young students at Timberlane Arts and Dance Academy, Aleyna created resources and worksheets by hand to engage with the students in a hands-on and colorful way. See top of page for FREE download of "Music Theory for Kids."

Read more about Aleyna's teaching philosophy below:



"I follow four guiding pillars in my teaching: Foster creativity in music and self-discovery; Provide resources for development and advancement; Guide each student in his/her growth, attitude, and goals; Serve each student’s individual needs to the best of my ability.  


Every student I teach has a different learning style.  It is my objective to discover the most effective and positive methods for teaching, tailored to these diverse learning styles. By connecting with each student in this way, I am best able to foster a positive environment, rich in creativity, and a safe place for self-discovery.  


I provide resources to my students that I believe will best motivate them to grow and develop their skills. Resources are also tailored to meet individual needs, and can come in the form of suggested repertoire, recordings, technique literature, and supplemental materials to assist in a student’s individual needs.  As a composer, I also write etudes and solo works for my students, targeting specific technical performance aspects in need of improvement. This serves to individualize every student’s study, and show each student my personal dedication to his/her success. 


As my students progress, I guide them in their development by supporting their own personal and musical goals. This guidance comes from my own diverse professional and academic experiences in the music industry.  With my cross-disciplinary background, I can provide career guidance to my students, tailored to their individual goals.  


Through the fostering of creativity, providing of resources, and guidance on their musical journey, I serve my students.  I believe in their success.  My role as a teacher is to help my students reach their goals.  


Recently, I was teaching a high-school flutist who was struggling to learn her major scales, let alone memorize and perform them at full-tempo for her upcoming Florida All-District Band audition.  Through hard work, and tailored lessons in preparation for this audition, as well as constant encouragement and positivity, this student not only memorized all her scales, but she earned herself a chair in the All-District Band. 


These are the proud teaching moments I strive for.  My students come first.  I live to serve my students on their journey through music, and life. 

Aleyna Brown

For rates and availability of Aleyna's private lesson teaching, please use the CONTACT form

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